Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Why I have more respect for Primark than.....

Jane Norman

Jane Norman sells the kind of clothing that I would see and say, “Oh. My. Gosh. I have got to have that dress. Its soooooo nice”. But then again, that was back when I was 15 years old. Unfortunately (and notice that I say, unfortunately) I caught myself going in there as I was desperate for a new outfit and remembered how much I use to loved it. But, I found that the clothing styles and quality has changed much since I use to go in all those years ago.

I can’t remember if I was ignorant to quality of the clothing when I was younger or if it actually was better back then, BUT the fabric now, is cheap, the decorative detailing is tacky and the patterns are poorly designed and dated (and that was just the fabric!). When it came to the garments themselves they looked like they should be sold in a shop called Easy’R’Us. They were awful. And it’s not just the clothing. Even the decor and POS just seemed to be so dated and old, (when compared to other shops).

The thing that really gets me though is the way people I know speak about it. People bum Jane Norman so much and I can’t understand why. There are some girls who work with me (aged around 20, 21) and they are all like “Jane Norman is so amazing. I’ve just been in there and I’ve bought loads of stuff” and of course I smile and say “Oooowwww, OKAY, yeah that’s really nice guys”. And it’s not just girls in their twenties either. I was at a party with my friends and I saw a woman that I vaguely know, whom is my mum’s age, or older, and she was wearing the same dress that my friend had on. I didn’t actually know who to feel more embarrassed for, my friend or my mature acquaintance. The older lady did look OKAY in it, but at the end of the day she was still mutton dressed as lamb. The fact of the matter is they both had on the same tacky dress from Jane Norman.

Things like this are bound to happen because Jane Norman seems to appeal to a certain kind of woman. You have the girls whom want to look hot and you have the older, more mature ladies who want to look.......well, erm, hot too I suppose. They see a Jane Norman shop and think, “yep, that’s the place for me” (along with Ann Summers I bet). Oh dear, these poor women, they have no sense of fashion.

When it comes to Primark or Primani as some people affectionately call it, yes, the clothing is cheap (and becoming more expensive by the year, might I add), and yes, the fabric is economical. But they have a really good set of designers, textiles artists and researchers; therefore Primark is always on-trend and desirable!

Season after season, Primark have the clothing that people want to wear now. Even though I’m sure the fabric is cheaper than that of Jane Norman but it certainly doesn’t look cheaper. People of all ages can go and shop in Primark and not come out looking like some old has been. There is something for everyone. They somehow combine all the right materials, buttons, decorative details and accessories together to make an outfit which is affordable, wearable, on-trend and NOT tacky.

I love PRIMARK =)

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